Anyone with a physical, sensory or learning disability can apply for one of our well-being grants, regardless of age. Applicants must be in genuine need of the help requested and be unable to afford the item/help/service. Our well-being grants to individuals are usually up to £1,000, with the average award being £600.
To be eligible for a well-being grant, the individual applicant must:
- live in Gloucestershire.
- have a permanent or long-standing and disabling condition, whether related to a physical, sensory and/or learning impairment.
- be in receipt of a state benefit which recognises the seriousness of the disability i.e. Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Attendance Allowance (AA) and must provide proof of this.
- show a genuine reason for having an exceptional need for the applied-for goods or services arising from having a disability, and which the applicant cannot afford and which cannot be met by the state or other agency.
- in the case of specialist seating, such as riser-recliner chairs, the referrer should be an appropriate health professional such as an occupational therapist (please see grants guidance for more details)
- complete and submit our application form and provide quotations where goods are required.
Exclusions: Well-being grants are not offered to an individual applicant if they:
- have received a grant from us within the past twelve months
- have disability arising from mental illness or an emotional disorder
- have ordered or purchased the item or service requested prior to making the application.
- have financial assets in excess of the upper limit set by the state for means tested (currently £6,000)
Read case studies of how our grants programmes have enhanced the lives of other people with disabilities living in Gloucestershire.