Individual well-being grants from the Gloucestershire Disability Fund (GDF) are intended to be one-off – long term or regular support is not available, but you can re-apply for assistance after at least one year has elapsed. We have criteria by which we assess applications for grant making into account the nature of request and the circumstances of the applicant. We will always strive to be fair and consistent.
Our practice is to limit well-being grants to individuals to £1,000 maximum. On rare occasions, this sum may be increased at the trustees’ discretion. Our average well-being grant award is £600.
What we will fund
- Education and training for adults
- Household appliances*
- Decluttering/deep clean
- Holiday accommodation*
- Leisure activities
- Pursuit of skills in sports and the arts
- Transport-related problems
- Computer/laptop
- Carpets/furnishings
- Specialist equipment
- Specialist seating**
* grant award limited to a maximum of £500
** any application must be endorsed by a professional health worker
What we will not fund
- Mobility scooters
- Any goods or services purchased prior to a grant application being awarded
- Any client-contribution element of a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)
- General living expenses or household expenses
- Debt
- Any kind of social care that should be provided by the statutory agencies